Women are so much worried about their face. But they often neglect neck just next to face. Even a neck bearing numerous wrinkles. Neck is most vulnerable to ageing lines, unwanted folds and double chin. It is such a portion of your body which shows your age if avoid it's care. So it is essential to use a certain kind of Beauty Tips For Neck Care. People don't pay much attention to the neck until fine lines start coming out on the neck. Here are a few tips for people on whose forehead fine lines have already
Easy and Natural Home Made Beauty Tips For Neck Care:
- *. Buttermilk is a very good cleanser for the neck, especially for those with oily skin.
- *. Cut a tomato into two pieces, rub gently over face and neck and wash after 15 minutes.
- *. Apply lemon and turmeric paste on the neck to remove the color difference in face and skin.
- *. If you have oily skin then try, slice an Apple into thin slices. Place these on the face and neck, leave for 15 minutes. These soak up the extra oil and helps to close pores.
- *. Take 1 table spoon of raw milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on the face and neck gently. Follow circular movements and upward strokes. Leave this on for 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.
Daily routine thing to be remember to care for beautiful neck:
- *. Always maintain a correct posture and keep the neck straight.
- *. Whenever you apply the any facial masks, pack or even cream don’t forget to apply it on the neck too.
- *. Do not lean over your work table. Work at angles that help you maintain your head straight or sit closer to the table.
- *. Rub the face and neck well with an ice cube.
- *. Daily before bath, for a minute or two, massage the neck area with downward strokes one hand following the other using any cream or skin oil.
- *. Hold your head up. It improves the posture and is good for the neck.
- *. Soft and low pillows is good for neck, it maintain better alignment.
Exercise For Neck To keep your neck younger
1 Step: Bend your neck forward and backward direction.2 step: Bend your neck left and right direction.
3 step: Round your neck clockwise direction.
4 step: round your neck anticlockwise direction.
Try these are some easy and natural home made and daily routine Beauty Tips For Neck Care
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